
'I love cricket': Video of Romanian bowler goes viral

Video of 40-year-old Pavel Florin draws attention from the likes of Shane Warne and Darren Lehmann

A Transylvanian bodyguard has become a cricket internet sensation due to his bowling technique.

A video of Pavel Florin playing in the European Cricket League for Cluj Cricket Club against France's Dreux on Tuesday has been watched hundreds of thousands of times on Twitter and garnered hundreds of comments.

"Maybe someone says my bowling is not beautiful or not effective but I don't care, because I love cricket," he told the European Cricket League.

A fitness fanatic who says he works as a bodyguard, Florin has drawn the attention of former players around the world.

The 40-year-old Florin, who took up cricket at the age of 32, is featuring in the first edition of the 10-over eight-team European tournament which includes sides from the Netherlands, Spain and Italy.

In an interview with the competition’s website in May, the Romanian said his role model was South African AB de Villiers and revealed his top score was 36 in a league match for Cluj.

Image Id: 84A26F2FAA934DF49DF151FE06C2736D Image Caption: Pavel Florin has become an overnight sensation

Asked if he had ever been a hero for his team, Florin said: "I drove 500km during night time for nine straight hours just to reach the match in the morning. I stayed 14 overs on the ground and scored 34 runs not out.

"I would not call it a hero act, but it is the match that gave me confidence that I can be a good cricket player."